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Books by Dr. Kim Voyle

The Appreciative Way

The Appreciative Way
Discover the essentials of the
Appreciative Way in this fast
read format book by
Rob and Kim Voyle.

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Welcome to Yes!3

The Appreciative Way

Yes!3 is designed to help you
grow an appreciative culture
within your congregation by
helping parishioners create
a purpose centered life
in which they can say:

  Yes! To God
  Yes! To Their Neighbor
  Yes! To Them Self

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Clergy Search Resource

Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls

Over 380 pages of detailed strategies to Assess clergy skills and Discern Calls.

Now available as an online library.

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Dr. Kim Voyle

Kim Voyle

Books Authored by Kim Voyle

 Email Kim to Schedule an Initial Consultation 

Kim Voyle

Has over thirty years of experience in personnel management. She has a Master of Science degree in Human Resource Leadership and has her Ph.D. in Career Psychology.

Her dissertation was entitled The Path of Vocation: Women's Career Transitions in Middle Adulthood. It examined the motivation and processes by which women chose to change from a secular occupation and become ordained Episcopal clergy.

Kim has developed hiring procedures and employment tests, including managerial assessment centers, analyzed a wide variety of jobs, and consulted to line managers on personnel issues. For the last several years, she has conducted training in job search processes, clergy search consulting, team building, career development, and preparing for the future work place.

For 30 years Kim has utilized Assessment Center technology for hiring and promotion of managerial and director- level positions, including Fire Chiefs. It was through Kim's experience of developing or managerial assessment centers that she created an assessment center approach to the clergy search process. She has applied this content-valid approach to the Clergy Search process and co-authored Assessing Skills and Discerniong Calls.

At the heart of the assessment approach is a focus on observing the candidates perform tasks rather than rely on conversation about what the candidate thinks needs to be done. This behavioral assessment approach has proven to improve the quality of personnel selections over traditional approaches that rely on interviewing and references.

Kim is a national certified career counselor and provides career coaching and personnel consulting services. Kim's research interests are career change, career transition, adult development, self-efficacy, self-actualization, and women's issues.

Click link to obtain a ".pdf" copy of Kim's Vita

What Readers Have Said

Rob and Kim's Appreciative Way series is an excellent group of tools to help you create an appreciative life. Rob and Kim combine a deep understanding of the theory of Appreciative Inquiry with their pastoral skills. All the guides are participant and facilitator friendly; lots of examples and exercises. I recommend their work as a way to define a purpose centered life, community and church. Sue Hammond, Author Thinbook of Appreciative Inquiry.