The Appreciative Way, is Rob and Kim Voyle's synthesis of:
Discover the essentials of the
Appreciative Way in this fast
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Rob and Kim Voyle.
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Creating a Life of Yes!3 |
Yes! to God |
Yes!3 was developed to help you create that life. |
"Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it,
listen for what it intends to do with you."
Parker Palmer
Rather than egotistically creating your own life, Yes!3 uses appreciative inquiry and conversation to help you awaken to the life-giving purpose that is already within you.
This is based on the following assumptions:
"The place God calls you is the place where your
deep gladness and the world's hunger meet."
Frederick Buechner
"To create a better world we don't need better people,
we just need to help people to discover and be their best."
Rob Voyle
A popular misconception of the Christian life is that we can only say yes to God or our neighbor by an act of self denial in which we say no to ourselves. However such actions are spiritually and emotionally unsustainable. They are not ecological.
The self-denial that the Christian faith talks about is saying no to the transitory distractions that keep us from the fundamental purpose for which God created us.
A "no" or act of self-denial is only as valuable as
the "yes" to our core purpose that the "no" allows.
Review the Yes!3 session format and outlines
We have extracted the Day of Discovery retreat session from the Yes!3 program to create a stand alone retreat day.
This program allows people to:
Read more about the Discover Your Purpose program
At its heart Yes!3 simply assumes and uses the belief that we are created by a loving God for a loving purpose. It is our hope and prayer that participants will discover that purpose and lovingly manifest it in the world in a way which is a blessing to others and themselves and evokes wonder and awe of the One who created it all.