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Restoring Hope

Restoring Hope

Practical Appreciative Inquiry based strategies to effectively resolve grief and resentment.

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What Readers Say

This book is a gold mine of practical methods to make things better. Ed Leidel, Episcopal Bishop and Church Consultant.
Rob Voyle has produced the most comprehensive manual for dealing with the consequences of serious negative life events.
ANDy Austin, author, The Rainbow machine: Tales from a Neurolinguist's Journal.

Seminar Presenter

Rob Voyle

The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle is a leader in the development and use of appreciative inquiry in church and coaching settings.

Rob's Approach to Training

  • Helpful: Training must provide practical, sustainable solutions for today's challenges.
  • Humorous: Creativity and humor go together as people enjoy new insights.
  • Healing: We create opportunities for people to experience transformational insights that lead to new ways of living, working, and being in the world.

>>   See more on Rob's
        Helpful, Humorous, Healing
        approach to training.

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Returning to Love: Appreciative Strategies to Grow from Fear to Love

Returning to Love

Learn practical strategies to help people:

  • Move from a fear to love based faith
  • Discover, clarify, and live from a place of core purpose and passion
  • Learn the nature of anxiety and how to grow from fear to love
  • Rebuild their self-image and respond compassionately to criticism and bullying
     View Training Schedule and Register for Training 

Returning to Love: Appreciative Strategies to Grow from Fear to Love

In a sermon on the Sunday after the 9/11 terrorist attacks the Rev. Chris Rankin-Williams said:

The challenge of this life is not to stay alive.
The challenge of this life is stay in love.

Staying in love is a challenge and many clergy, coaches and psychologists have often heard parishioners and clients say: "I know it in my head but I need to have it in my heart."

In this training program you will learn specific strategies to help people move from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge that they are loved and can live in love. Specifically participants will learn and practice helping people:

  • Move from a religion of fear to love based faith
  • Discover, clarify, and live from a place of core purpose and passion
  • Learn the nature of anxiety and how to grow from fear to love
  • Rebuild their self-image and respond compassionately to criticism and bullying

This is a companion program to Restoring Hope Training Program and may be offered in conjunction with that program as part of the Advanced Coaching Program.

Who Should Attend This Program

  • Clergy and Chaplains
  • Psychologists and Pastoral Counselors
  • Coaches and Spiritual Directors

Continuing Education Credit

This program is presented in two different formats:

  • One day 6 contact hours of continuing education credit.
  • 2.5 day 14 contact hours of continuing education credit.

>>   Continuing Education Programs

Learning Objectives

  • To provide participants with strategies to examine the outcome of fear based religion and how to develop a love based faith.
  • To provide participants with strategies to rebuild self-image and respond compassionately to criticism.
  • To provide participants with appreciative strategies to resolve anxiety and grow love.

Workshop Format

The workshop will typically be conducted in a retreat setting with:

  • Didactic presentations
  • Practice and experiential exercises
  • Time for personal reflection and synthesis

Day-Long Schedule

9:00 a.m.  Introduction to the Appreciative Way
9:45 a.m.  Fear based religion and love based faith
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Discovering core passion and purpose
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m.  Rebuilding self-image and responding to criticism
2:45 p.m.  Break
3:00 p.m.  Moving from living in fear to living in love
4:30 p.m.  Conclusion and Evaluation

2.5 Day Schedule

This program is presented following the Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry or as part of the Advanced Coach training program.

The 2.5 day program will allow opportunity for participants to practice the strategies and develop their expertise is helping clients resolve grief and resentment.

The following schedule is for the program when it precedes the Restoring Hope program

Day 1:
9:00-12:00       Growing from Gods of fear to the God of Love
      Developing a resource of unconditional love 12:00-1:30 pm   Lunch
1:30-3:15 pm     Discovering and living from a place of core passion and purpose
3:15-3:45 pm     Walking Meditation and Reflection
3:45-5:30 pm     Rebuilding self-image.

Day 2:
9:00-12:00       The nature of anxiety and fear and their resolution
12:00-1:30 pm   Lunch
1:30-3:15 pm     Rebuilding self-image and dealing with criticism
3:15-3:45 pm     Walking Meditation and Reflection
3:45-5:30 pm     Growing from living in fear to living in love

Day 3:
9:00-12:00        Responding compassionately and resourcefully to criticism and bullying.


Accommodation and facility use fees are extra and are dependent on the training locations and will be specified on the registration forms. Meals between sessions are typically provided for commuters.


Rob Voyle is an ordained Episcopal priest, psychologist, and coach. He is the Director of the Clergy Leadership Institute and author of numerous practical resources for applying the Appreciative Way to a variety of church and coaching situations.


 View Training Schedule and Register for Returning to Love Training