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The Appreciative Way
Enabling Innovation at the Speed of Life           
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Conflict to Collaboration

Director of Training

Rob Voyle

Principal Trainer: Rob Voyle

Rob is an accomplished speaker and trainer. Participants consistently rate his training programs as:

"one of the best workshops I've attended in years"

>>   See Rob's Helpful,
         Humorous, and Healing
         approach to training

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Creating Cultures
of Excellence

Assessing Skills and Discerning Calls

Appreciative Inquiry Based Guide to Mutual Ministry Reviews

  • Templates and Worksheets
  • For Congregations
  • Individual Performance
  • Coaching Strategies

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Appreciative Congregational Development

Do You Need To:

  • Engage in congregational development?
  • Move your congregation from maintenance to mission?
  • Establish transformational goals for congregational ministries?
  • Respond appreciatively to congregational resistance and conflict?
       View Training Schedule and Register for Training 

Appreciative Congregational Development

This Appreciative Inquiry based program is a natural follow-on from our Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry. The focus of this program is to apply the introductory appreciative inquiry information specifically to the work of congregational development.

This program would be helpful to any clergy wanting to engage in congregational development and especially to those starting a new ministry or congregational consultants.

All Sustainable Change is an Inside Job

Development plans that are inflicted upon people rarely succeed or are sustainable, regardless of the merits of the plan. In the incarnation Jesus did not come and inflict salvation on us he came and lived as one of us. In this training program appreciative strategies will be provided to help leaders discover and incarnationally join congregations at their life-giving core and then from this God-given place co-create with the parishioners their preferred future.

Some of the training topics will include:

  • The Incarnational Ministry Fractal for Leading Change
  • Joining the System: Working From The Inside Out
  • Assessing Congregational Performance
  • Creating and Facilitating an Appreciative Inquiry Summit
  • Developing Vision, Purpose and Plan
  • Identifying Resources, Moving From Problems to Solutions


This program is built on the core understanding of Appreciative Inquiry and is open to those who have completed the Clergy Leadership Institute Appreciative Inquiry training.

Who Should Attend This Program

  • Clergy wanting to engage in congregational development
  • Clergy beginning new ministries*
  • Psychologists, Consultants and Counselors
    who work with clergy and churches in transition

*Because this program focuses on incarnational issues of entering and joining systems to ensure that all change is an inside job this program is very applicable to clergy beginning new ministries.

Continuing Education Credit

This program qualifies for 15 contact hours of continuing education credit.

>>   Continuing Education Programs

Learning Objectives

  • To provide participants with a basic understanding of the work of Congregational Development utilizing an Appreciative Inquiry philosophy and process.
  • To provide participants with an incarnational model of ministry that enables clergy to effectively join with diverse congregations to co-create sustainable change.
  • To provide participants with the resources to plan, design, and lead an appreciative inquiry summit.

Workshop Format

The workshop will typically be conducted in a retreat setting with:

  • Didactic presentations
  • Personal practice and experience of appreciative process
  • Time for personal reflection and meditation
  • Corporate prayer
  • Opportunity for creative reflection on the past and anticipation of the future

Costs for 2025

 Tuition Fee Early Bird 4 weeks before session:
Within 4 weeks of session: 

In addition to the above 2.5 day program we occasionally offer a 3 and 4 day programs which includes opportunity for participants to create specific interventions or programs based on appreciative inquiry theory. Prices will depend on the nature of the program.

Specific times and costs of all programs may vary depending on the hosting organization. Please check the schedule and registration page for additional workshop specific information.


Accommodation and facility use fees are extra and are dependent on the training locations and will be specified on the registration forms. Meals between sessions are typically provided for commuters.


 View Training Schedule and Register for Coach Training 

What Participants Say

"Of all the training I have been to, your notes are the ones I keep coming back to time and again for practical resources."
P.W. Conference Pastor.

Rob's training is full of heart, wit, and passion.
E.R. Executive Coach

Rob's educational model brings body, mind and spirit together. I have been challenged intellectually, transformed spiritually, touched emotionally, gathering in communally. He came into my life at just the right time.

Jean Holmes, Presbyterian Pastor

After 45 years in the pastoral ministry and attending three events led by Rob Voyle, I have finally learned a better way to help church leaders help themselves and the people they serve.
John Wilkerson, Director: Church Leadership Coaching & Consulting

Rob's combination of organizational savvy, teaching skills, theological & spiritual integration, and ability to rapidly build supportive, learning communities is quite simply the best in any of the churches today.
Gray Temple, Episcopal Priest, Author & Coach

 View Training Schedule and Register for Coach Training