Liturgy Download Confirmation

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This document will enable you to cut, copy, paste, delete, correct, and adapt the liturgy for your context. We wish you God's richest blessing as you make use of the liturgy.


My primary concern is that you provide an opportunity for people to encounter the living God and not be distracted by the memory of a possible writer. I will leave it up to the user to decide on the appropriate attributions. Bulletins containing extensive attributions throughout the bulletin are distracting. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer did not clutter The Book of Common Prayer with attributions and origins of the prayers he edited and adapted in his great gift to humanity.

Claiming authorship, and detailing attribution, for these liturgies is very difficult. In many cases I am the final redactor, compiler, and editor of multiple sources. In other cases a partial phrase or comment from someone else has inspired the writing of a prayer. In other cases I have revised an older prayer to express my theology and practice. In addition multiple parishioners and fellow clergy have made suggestions and corrected my gramma. In many cases I have simply forgotten where I came upon an initial resource or who suggested a specific edit.

If you have used a large part of a liturgy, or a liturgy in its entirety, or you want to share the resources with colleagues then I would suggest using something similar to the following:

This liturgy is adapted from Liturgies for the Way of Love from the Appreciative Way

I am truly grateful to all the people, known and unknown who have written prayers down through the ages and have shared their ideas and creativity with the world. Thank you for the beauty of your words and the times when a word becomes a sparkle of truth and a moment of transcendence in the depth of my being.

With Gratitude
Rob Voyle

You might be an
Anglican or Episcopalian if:

You think that John 3:16
is just one of the
Comfortable Words.

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